The first cyber security school in Lyon


  • 2400 sqm

  • 10 mois

  • 300 élèves

CSB SCHOOL is the crazy challenge of three partners who are passionate about cybersecurity.
The involvement of JLL's agency teams made it possible to find an ERP building capable of hosting a school in Lyon, as well as to convince the developer to trust this cybersecurity school project, which should open in less than a year.

Tétris took up the challenge to propose a contemporary, comfortable and digital layout.
The design of the layout plans and the decorative project as well as the selection of the furniture were carried out in a limited time.
We supported CSB school by assisting them in the management and completion of the work carried out by the promoter, and then we carried out the fitting-out work as general contractors.
We made sure to preserve a total synergy with the developer. Read more

The teams demonstrated their professionalism in obtaining the authorizations of the safety commission in time, allowing CSB to open the doors of this first establishment and to welcome its students on September 15, 2022.

The premises benefit from high quality design services and the numerous layouts allow great freedom of work for these future cybersecurity talents.
All the furniture selected and installed by us brings a touch of comfort and color, allowing the best possible experience for users.

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